I haven't had a reason, or much of a reason to why I stopped writing these past couple months. Among the contributing factors is a brain on tape delay, and more importantly, the noticeable degradation of my only working language, which I believe is suffering from pretty serious abuse.
When you teach English to English speaking students, you have the luxury of being verbose. If they don't know the meaning of verbose, they can hit a dictionary. I like being verbose, I like writing and talking in a flowery round about way. I enjoy the way English works, how I can say the same thing twenty ways and probably still have options. When you teach English as a second language, that option isn't there. It is simple or nothing. So my English isn't being used poorly, but rather simply, and in a world where your only working language isn't being properly bolstered and massaged, you tend to fall into some bad habits.
I'm in this weird catch-22 where the only place I can properly use the language at the level I wish is on this blog, and sadly never have the necessary motivation, inspiration or desire to write one. My proficiency has been unexpectedly stunted. Not irreversibly, but I have found that I need to try a lot harder. Maybe I will just read more, and try to absorb better habits that way.
Swim in the pacific.
I've swam in the Pacific before, but never on this side. This was Utsumi beach, and it's about an hour from where I live by train.
Other updates:

I also went to Nagoya city zoo. I saw this bear, and I love him. He's a Yezo bear, and they are found far to the north in Hokkaido. Yezo is an old name for Hokkaido. Also known as the black grizzly.
When you teach English to English speaking students, you have the luxury of being verbose. If they don't know the meaning of verbose, they can hit a dictionary. I like being verbose, I like writing and talking in a flowery round about way. I enjoy the way English works, how I can say the same thing twenty ways and probably still have options. When you teach English as a second language, that option isn't there. It is simple or nothing. So my English isn't being used poorly, but rather simply, and in a world where your only working language isn't being properly bolstered and massaged, you tend to fall into some bad habits.
I'm in this weird catch-22 where the only place I can properly use the language at the level I wish is on this blog, and sadly never have the necessary motivation, inspiration or desire to write one. My proficiency has been unexpectedly stunted. Not irreversibly, but I have found that I need to try a lot harder. Maybe I will just read more, and try to absorb better habits that way.
So, some updates:
Pat and Jenn's challenge:
Get a photo of you at a bar watching an nhl playoff game.
Here is a dated photo of the Kings playing the Coyotes in the Stanley Cup Finals. This game was old even when it was being played. I bet the Kings win the cup.
Pat and Jenn's challenge:
Get a photo of you at a bar watching an nhl playoff game.
Here is a dated photo of the Kings playing the Coyotes in the Stanley Cup Finals. This game was old even when it was being played. I bet the Kings win the cup.
Rachel's challenge:
Swim in the pacific.
I've swam in the Pacific before, but never on this side. This was Utsumi beach, and it's about an hour from where I live by train.
Other updates:
I went to Iga Ueno, in Mie prefecture and learned that the Japanese Ninja of old had many ways to predict rain. I reckon it rained a lot.
I also went to Ise, which is also in Mie prefecture. It is home to Ise shrine, the largest of all Shinto shrines in Japan. Ise shrine is large, beautiful and very peaceful. The trees I saw there were the largest I've seen in Japan. It consists of an inner and outer shrine, this is a photo of the inner.
While in Mie, I also went to the coast and saw Meoto Iwa, the married rocks of Japan. These rocks celebrate the union of marriage (between a man and woman specifically, I'm told), and apparently the rope weighs over a tonne and is changed many times every year.
I also went to Nagoya city zoo. I saw this bear, and I love him. He's a Yezo bear, and they are found far to the north in Hokkaido. Yezo is an old name for Hokkaido. Also known as the black grizzly.
I got a love letter from a five year old.
My student Chika tried to spell donut:
Things are fine.
Coming up is my summer vacation. Starting on the 6th of August, and going for two weeks, I will not be required to put on nice pants, or a collared shirt and go to work. For two weeks, I have absolute freedom of movement and thought.
My official plan as of right now is to disappear, and see where I end up. This might mean a hiatus from the internet, aside from access on my phone for navigation. That is a loose plan, and we'll see how that pans out. I'll let you know how it goes. Nagoya is absurdly hot and humid, and apparently runs a close second to the south island paradise of Okinawa in terms of top temperatures. I reckon anywhere will be cooler.
Sorry for the delay.
Much love,