Today I am feeling something that has been eluding me for quite some time. An unsettled feeling. A nervous apprehension. It is fantastic!
Not since the rigors of the Japan application process have I had felt even a semblance of anything close to this. This, however, is drastically different from Japan. Because, unlike Japan, I've already been accepted for this. Earlier this morning I had the pleasure of opening my email to find a message that went like this:
"I have been on the case and I am very pleased to tell you that we would love to accept you onto the volunteer program.
I have attached the volunteer handbook for you, if you have any futher questions please do not hesitate to ask away. I will send you over the report shortly also so you can have a read of it.
Kind Regards,
Uganda? Africa? Golden Monkeys? Me? Very possible, very soon.
I am scared, nay I am terrified that they have accepted me. I love it. It is very easy to fail and then slide right back into where you were. Now I am forced to make decisions, plan my course, and take steps to follow through - how liberating!
All the day to day montony that I have been focusing on for the past while seems to have become, once again, dismally unimportant. Instantly. I'll say it again, I love this scared feeling. Without intention, I think this has become my most upbeat post to date!
It may seem like a wierd concept to like to feel nervous, but when you're failing to find comfort in the known and routine - sometimes you get it from the most unlikely sources.
This is the best news I've had in a while, and now I have a weekend of the hillside music festival to let it all soak in.
Best weekend ever? I might say it's close!
Much love (and much excitement!),
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